NMBON is receiving reports of a scam where individuals are falsely representing themselves as the board. To verify the legitimacy of any contact claiming to be from the New Mexico Board of Nursing, you can call the official phone number at (505) 841-8340. Do not share personal or sensitive information unless you’ve confirmed the identity of the caller. DEA Scam Alert Flyer


The NMAC requires that applicants for initial licensure or endorsement, at their cost, provide the board with fingerprints and other information necessary for a state and national criminal background check. Your fingerprints will be submitted to Idemia for a criminal history search on their IdentoGo platform resulting in the generation of a nationwide criminal history record for you.


The nationwide criminal history record includes information concerning a person’s arrests, indictments or other formal criminal charges and any dispositions arising there from, including convictions, dismissals, acquittals, sentencing and correctional supervision, collected by criminal justice agencies and stored in the computerized data bases of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the national law enforcement telecommunications systems, the Department of Public Safety or the repositories of criminal history information of other states.

Your Reason for fingerprinting is Nurse Licensing

Registered Nurses

Licensed Practical Nurses

Lactation Care Providers

ORI#: NM920190Z

ORI#: NM 920269Z

ORI#: NM920275Z


In-state Applicants ONLY

  1. Register online at IdentoGO (For questions call 1-877-783-4187 or https://nm.state.identogo.com)
  2. Schedule an appointment
  3. Pay for your criminal background check ($59).
  4. Choose a fingerprint.
  5. Travel to chosen fingerprint location and pay any additional fees required by the fingerprint.


Out-of-State and International Applicants ONLY

  1. Register online at IdentoGO (For questions call 1-877-783-4187 or https://nm.state.identogo.com)
  2. Choose to register for the fingerprint card processing service.
  3. Payment ($59) may be made online.
  4. Obtain two FD258 fingerprint cards from our website https://nmbon.jotform.com/231787051564965
  5. Be fingerprinted.
  6. Write Registration ID on the back of fingerprint cards and mail it to:


Cardscan Department- New Mexico Program

340 Seven Springs Way, Suite 250

Brentwood, TN 37027